Music, Love & His Wife’s Steinway Piano

Hiya Gang!  Thanks for checking out another blog post!  As always, I’m very happy to have all musicians, music lovers and the music-curious here and I’m grateful you stopped by!   I just wanted to share a quick experience with you guys.  This week I had the privilege of serving a retired air force officer by tuning a couple of his instruments.  One was an older Steinway that he bought for his wife in the 50’s.  As he said in his own words, “Steinway was so good to us, they would send their latest model to the house, my wife would play it for a couple of weeks then say, “Nope, this isn’t exactly what I want!”…and they’d take it back and send over another one.  Until finally this one arrived, she played it and played it. She found the one she loved and it never left our home.”  

OK, there are a couple components of the story that you guys don’t have – first, his wife is no longer alive.  Second, he does not play the piano.  And third, I was in his lovely home to tune this very same Steinway piano that his wife played for many decades, despite him not being a piano player.  He wanted to keep up the regular maintenance out of respect for the TLC she gave the piano during her life.  

“This Steinway Piano has never left our home”

OK, that’s so sweet, right?  I know we can’t assume things about people, but I’d like to believe that their love for each other was so deep that this piano was a link to her that he held on to…and he wanted to make sure to treat it with the love and respect that she would.  

I also find it very romantic that it’s her “music” that he remembers her by.  Music is now important to him…because it was important to her.  He lives in a group retirement community for air force officers.  And he helps organize concerts within his community, he helps fund the upkeep of their instruments…and he does all of this because it was important to the love of his life.  And the love of his life expressed herself through music.

Why does this resonate with me so much??

I feel like I could retell this story if anyone asks me why I enjoy doing what I do!  As you guys know, I’m not a piano player myself.  And, I get a cocked head and raised eyebrow any time this subject comes up.  “Then…ummm…why do you choose to work on our instruments?” Because music helps people express their life’s emotions.  Music is relatable to so many people.  It helps people express love, joy, fear, anger…it helps people work through the roller coaster of life.  It comforts people during sadness and it will laugh and rejoice with them during joyful seasons.  And to add to its importance, music will exist beyond its creator!  It exists to every soul who listens to it and the music will just as passionately draw in to their interpretation and emotions as well.

Why do I do this?  OMG, why wouldn’t I?!?  I am so grateful to play a part within this community of musical creators whose creations inspire communities, movements, and generations!  I do this because music can shape an entire culture…it seeps down into each individual affecting families, friends and lovers.  And, if I have to give a huge chunk of my life’s precious time to earn money to pay my bills, I want that time to matter more than just making a few extra bucks.  

Music borrows from the creator’s life emotions in order to shape the emotions of future life!

OK, that’s me…that’s why I’m here.  Now, what about you?  You’re visiting this blog for a reason…possibly to find out more about your piano or maybe how to best keep it maintained.  Are you maintaining a piano for yourself, are you getting it fixed up a child about to start music lessons?  Maybe you are handling the repairs of an older family member’s piano?  Or are you a teacher, a musician, or a church worship leader? 

Then, from me to you – I’m so happy to be connected in this musical community with you.  I hope YOU are inspired by the gift that you have and that we all share a part of with you.  And I sincerely hope you know the potential impact you will have on so many people with that gift.

OK gang, that’s enough drama and rah-rah from me today.  Hope you liked the story. So, until next time…Go Create Great Music!

~Cheers Everyone~


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