What to Expect When You’re Expecting a Piano Technician

Heya Folks, happy Friday – I’m grateful to have you along for another post.  I want to give you a quick overview on “What to Expect When You’re Expecting a Piano Technician” from TX Pianos.  First, let’s just assume that you stumbled on to my website and found the face of my potato-dog so charming that you were ready to book on the spot!  You emailed, called or texted me 1. The type of piano you own. 2. The date your piano was last tuned. 3. Any concerns or further pertinent information.  And my response was acceptable to you. (*Ahem*, even if it wasn’t quite as charming as the potato set your expectations to be; so, you hired me anyways – and I’m grateful!)

You set the Piano Technician appointment…what’s next?  

Well, the “what’s next” is easy…nothing is next until the day of our appointment.  UNLESS, there are questions or concerns that you have other than what we discussed initially.  For example, if there are sticky keys or squeaky pedals (and you want them fixed during the tuning appointment), or if you had issues with your last piano technician and want to make sure I can address these issues more to your satisfaction, etc.  These are things it’s important for us to discuss before the actual appointment. 

Otherwise, I might not be prepared with the proper tools or the appropriate time in order to address your issues. And it is SUPER important to me that you are happy with the service you receive!  As it is SUPER important that I am able to be on time to my next appointment so I can impress them too!

(…I know…I’m very emotionally needy…I’m in therapy and getting better…it’ll all work out!)

How Should You Prepare??

 I mean, you really shouldn’t have to.  I’m working for you…not the other way around.  I’ll work around the space you have in your piano room.  And, if there are things on top of the piano, I’m happy to move them, then move them right back to where I found them once the appointment is over.  Also, I’m more than happy to clean the piano – that’s a benefit of having a professional there…leave that to me.  You don’t have to impress me – I’m going to be working very hard to impress you!  

OK, I’ll ask for one thing regarding preparation, besides the open line of communication, here’s what would REALLY help me as you are planning for the appointment time – A Quiet Room.  Despite the technology I am able to use to tune each string to the proper vibration because of the wonderfully developed time we exist in (thank you science!)…I still have to use my ear to confirm and match the pitch.  Tuning is still a mixture of science AND art…and, in order to do this, the area I’m working in needs to be reasonably quiet.  So, if you are able to keep the music off, your adorable baby in another room, the TV volume low, etc…that would be so, so helpful!

The Day of the Piano Technician Appointment

 And now, the day of the appointment has come.  I’ve confirmed the appointment, I’ll arrive on time.  And, when I arrive, I will do my best to connect and make you feel comfortable with my being in your home/place of business using my best social skills and most charming anecdotes (it will deceptively come across as very awkward small talk…and I’ll just hope you see past, haha!)  But, once you show me to your instrument, I can get started right away.  

 If it’s just a piano tune or a pitch raise service, all I need is the piano and a couple hours of quiet time.  If the service requires me to do any repairs, I may need a bit of space to work within the room in order to lay out parts…but, that can be discussed on a case by case basis.

 By the way, you are MORE THAN WELCOME to hang out and watch.  It isn’t weird for me.  It’s your instrument and I am happy to have you involved!  (Obligatory, I can’t talk too much or I won’t be able to hear the notes on your piano properly…duh.)  But, by all means, if you’re interested, (or, maybe just bored, lol) I’m happy to show you what goes into the service/maintenance of your piano…no problemo!

 The basic services that I offer – Piano Tuning and Pitch Raise take 1 – 1.5 hr and 2 – 2.5 hr respectively.  If repairs are going to take longer, we can discuss them beforehand.  But, the majority of our maintenance appointments are going to be pretty easy-peasy!  That way, if you are having to make arrangements to keep the house quiet while I’m around…you’ll know how long to expect.

The Aftermath

 Once the maintenance is complete, I’ll test the piano by playing scales or comparing note octaves.  I’ll invite you to do the same.  Once you approve, I will request that full payment of services rendered is taken care of.  

 I’ll ask if you want to schedule your next piano technician appointment.  I always try to encourage my piano owners to schedule regular maintenance on their instrument.  It is not obligatory, I’m not “salesy” nor pushy in the slightest.  But, my agenda is to help make sure you are working with the best instrument you can have.  And it doesn’t really take much time/economic investment to ensure the life of the piano as well as holding the quality of each tuning service.

Once your next appointment is set, I’ll put your piano back together, pack my tools up, and be on my way to see my next customer   And you’re rid of me for another 3-6 months!

 That’s it boys and girls.  It’s simple.  At least, I want it to be simple for you.  And, if it feels like there’s anything I can do to make it more convenient for you, please just let me know.  Contact me directly (CALL / TEXT / EMAIL)…or, leave it in the comments and I’ll address it right away.

 Thanks for reading through this, I hope it was informative.  I’m excited and honored to be your piano technician.  Don’t ever hesitate to reach out with any questions.  And, my services, prices are HERE.  And there are plenty more bits of info and resources in the blog HERE.  So, that’s it for today. Until next time friends ~ Go Create Great Music!

Cheers everyone…


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